
Nominee Shareholder and Declaration of Trust
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Nominee Shareholder and Declaration of Trust

Views: 132687

A Nominee service is a legal way of protecting the identity and anonymity of the company owner.

The primary purpose is to protect the identity of the true company director; therefore, the role of a nominee is in ‘name only’ and their details will appear on public record in place of the real officer’s details. Nominees are given no executive ‘hands-on’ duties, but they are often required to sign certain internal documents on behalf of the true director or secretary.

Price $ 590.00

Nominee Shareholder helps you maintain your anonymity by taking your places in all public records and non-government bodies.

We issue Declaration Of Trust - DOT to protect your benefit.

Declaration of trust for nominee shareholder

If you appoint a nominee shareholder, you will need to protect your rights to your shares. Issuing a declaration of trust without any loopholes helps you to confirm your full ownership of your shares while the nominee represents you.

Our current prices don't apply for high-risk industries (crypto, forex, stock or gambling...)

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